Monday, February 11, 2008

R.I.P. Polaroid...

So, it's official. Polaroid is shuttin' down. From Wikipedia...

"In February 2008, Polaroid announced it would cease production of all instant film; the company will shut down three factories and lay off 450 workers.Sales of chemical film by all makers have dropped by at least 25% per year in this decade, and the decline is likely to accelerate. Fujifilm is now the only remaining supplier of instant film in the United States."

so many great memories with this film. it's the only picture media I know of that makes things look the way you remember them. especially people. and everybody looked good thru my Holga lens unlike digital that makes humans look as they really are: sweaty, zitty, full of pores, blochy and skin like Silly Putty. oh well, it was like a great girlfriend who gets run over by a car. I guess we'll always have the pics to remember things by from 2008 (still have some in the fridge) and before. like this girl in Harajuku. . . (sob)

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