Thursday, January 15, 2009

What's new..?

' firstofallI'mgrowingacreepymustache. '

Hey 'der ..happy '09 people. Fuggin' good riddance to '08 -whoof* it was an amazing NYE in Hollywoodland for me at a 1920's-themed party in the haunted Vogue Theatre. The night was a blur and the strike of midnight was really done right. It was a great feeling starting off the new year properly.

I started painting my next solo show (tentatively July 17th) show which is killing my weekends and nights as I've given up having a life till summer. But the big news is I got a new job !! AND it involves learning Flash while getting paid. Job 1? Doing designs for the Obama inauguration (?!) for an animated short.

..a total surprise as it was the first project I got to work on right outta the gate. I will post something as soon as I know the details and air times/ links for the piece. I'm slowly learning Flash and am really enjoying it as a tool and look forward to hashing out and animating a few ideas out. Figure it might be the best way to pitch ..just show them the show!

and just a reminder that again I'm in the auction/ benefit for fresh stART ( The show is a one night curated event to benefit Para Los Ninos ( that's taking place Saturday, Feb.7, 7-9pm in Santa Monica. here's my piece..


and I drew another tattoo for my friend Rip's back. He's insane and completely covered in frogs and monkeys I designed for him. Here's a Photoshop comp on what the latest will look like when complete. Tha's alotta ink..

and here's a photo I found online from the trip to Mexico City last summer for Nike. Here's us speaking at a local art school (I was horribly hungover here from the huge store opening the night before). Boy, we don't look like we know what th'heck we're talking about. Great memories..

l to rt: J.Maloney / Big Foot / me (again, hungover) /Jesse Reno / Morbito(TIXINDA)

Other than that I've been obsessed with listening to The Make-Up, one of the best rock bands in history. It's really a problem lately but luckily nobody's been in the studio at night as I blast it over-and-over again. lemme share the genius..

and as long as I'm talking music lemme just demand that you go out and get the new Justice live album. An okay CD but it comes with the documentary "A Cross The Universe' truly one of the best tour videos I've ever seen in my life I got to go to the premiere last Halloween night at the Mantolban with the guys and filmmakers doing a Q&A afterwards.

here's a clip of Gaspar getting married on tour, hillarious..

aaanyways, I can't say enough how excited I am about this year. The only problem lately is having enough time in the day it seems so if you see me don't be afraid of the enormous bags under my eyes.


David Martingale said...

I've been obsessed with Scene Creamers and Weird war for a few months now, but have never really listened to the Make-up. Are they as good has Svennonius' later stuff? Is that like asking if the Beatles are as good as Wings?

Carlos Ramos said...

Yap, pretty much.. Don't understand why Make-Up aren't the biggest band ever?!